Latest Episodes

341 - Oh Woe Is Us
This week is a week of sadness as John discusses his hardware issues and dealing with Apple Support while Scotty shares his week of...

340 - Will Fix… When Elvis Returns
This week the boys discuss the release of Captionista and the world of captioning video. John also talks his recent work on a project...

339 - Just Too Lazy to Change The Knobs
This week the boys talk The Imitation Game, Johns work on infrastructure for A/B testing (particularly Strings), Scottys work on a video player and...

338 - There Ain’t No Toll Free Bridging!
This week the boys talk Johns continued travels, squeezing optimisation from cells and the complications of doing so with both Objective-C and Swift. Scotty...

337 - Professional Bug Creator / Professional Exterminator
Coming to you live from the streets of London. This week the boys talk the complications of working on projects where colleagues are spread...

336 - Perfectly Clean, Just Radioactive
This week John shares his dip to the bay, from bodies of water to legacy code, a friendly competition amongst coworkers, the start of...