In this weeks show we (Scotty & John) discuss the initial problems with iOS 8 for both users and developers.
We also ask is the iPhone 6 too big? Will we see a smaller 6S next year? Will see any new Macs or iPads this year?
Scotty also shares his git problems while John talks about some current debate about people baying iPhones just to ship to China.
Finally Scotty announces he has left
Once again this week I (Scotty) have had recording problems and whole bunch of crackle appears at around 14 minutes.
I am hoping this will never happen again as I have replaced my entire entire recording system since this recording in an attempt to solve the problem.
Scotty and John spend time with TUAW bloggers Steve Sande and Erica Sadun and talk about how to best pitch your new app if...
Scotty & John link up with Nick Pellow & Josh Devenny from Atlassain to talk about JIRA Mobile Connect (JMC) as well as hearing...
Scotty and John chat about NSConference, the concept of MVP and having to Kill Your Darlings. Scotty also doesn't know what to do about...