No surprise that this week a topic of conversation is the latest global pandemic, with the boys giving a glimpse into how it’s being handled on both sides of the pond. John’s feeling a little ‘Groovy’ whilst using this Java-syntax-compatible language. Scotty talks the difficulties of processing financial data, especially with the number of banks within the US (over 4000).
With John gone skiing Scotty promotes Mr Michael Fey, this weeks guest, to co-host and Cocoa Fusion returns with a look at the responder...
This week, John and Scotty dive into Thanksgiving reflections and tech updates. John shares his excitement about his shiny new M3 MacBook Pro Max...
Moving from Objective-C to Swift. The pros, the cons and the interactivity involved. John talks again of his fond friendship with //print(“\(maleFirstNames.randomElement() ?? “Joe”)...