276 - It's Dumas, Dumbass!

Episode 276 December 18, 2020 00:32:36
276 - It's Dumas, Dumbass!
The iDeveloper Podcast
276 - It's Dumas, Dumbass!

Dec 18 2020 | 00:32:36


Show Notes

With that time of year again already and some tales of childhood french pastries, the boys talk their end of year wrap-up mode. John talks his jubilations with the release of dynamic type support and the response from the accessibility community. Also the use of AttributedString with VoiceOver. Scotty talks the trials of having a simple email address and the tribulations of having a to pick a new one. A bug within MoneyWell causing issues with bigger decisions. And some drawing work with the help of BezierPath.WindingRule.

Johns' Dynamic Type Success

Accessibility London


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