Latest Episodes

294 - Surfing the Tsunami of Glory
A week of object success stories with John sharing his recent praise and developed conversations of last week's release of his Dynamic Type success....

293 - Failed to Succeed, the New Self-Hurt Podcast
John shares his latest adventures into AVMutableComposition and also his latest ship which contains his recent Dynamic Type work. Scotty talks his not-so-much-a-failure of...

292 - AR You Not Entertained!?
This week the boys talks the progression of technologies using MemoryMiner as a yardstick. John talks the difficulty in finding the right feature set...

291 - High Speed Typography
After finding an additional fractional listener from down the back of the couch thanks to the new Apple AirTags, this week the boys talk...

290 - The Tech-xas Chainsaw Massacre
John shares his recent hold up with a failed screenshot test with some dynamic type on a certain canvas with some certain languages. Also...

289 - A Little Bit More Fuzz Where We're Looking For Clarity
This week the boys discuss the recently announced Spring Apple Event. John shares his successes with the debug tool mentioned last week and some...