239 - A Moment of Audio Genius… Maybe.

January 24, 2020 00:35:57
239 - A Moment of Audio Genius… Maybe.
The iDeveloper Podcast
239 - A Moment of Audio Genius… Maybe.

Jan 24 2020 | 00:35:57


Show Notes

Moving from Objective-C to Swift. The pros, the cons and the interactivity involved. John talks again of his fond friendship with //print(“\(maleFirstNames.randomElement() ?? “Joe”) \(oceanStuff.randomElement() ?? “Crabtree”)“). Scotty talks of the ongoing development of MoneyWell and how to progress with an existing codebase and customer base.

PolyNome | The Ultimate Practice Tool
MoneyWell | Personal Budgeting Software for Mac and iOS

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