This week John talks some design issues with Dynamic Type being used within Tab Bars and some problem solving using SwiftUI. Also a bug within Full Keyboard Access. Scotty talks his recent work on MoneyWell and re-implementing sync into the existing codebase and the decisions that need to made on what sync platform to use.
Magnification View: This is used to help people with low vision read the labels on tab bar items. It’s shown with a long press on a tab bar button when the largest Dynamic Type sizes are set.
Scotty & John link up with Nick Pellow & Josh Devenny from Atlassain to talk about JIRA Mobile Connect (JMC) as well as hearing...
Scotty and John spend some time catching up by chewing the fat over Auto Layout, Conferences, Glassboard, iOS 6 and loads more.
After a long time away the boys are back and John is so excited he has literally split open. Once they have cleaned up...