This week the boys talk the progression of languages in parallel with hardware. John hints at some possible near future success with his most recent HackDay and likens coding in Swift with landing on Mars. Scotty talks his steadily growing pile of dead MacBooks, using XcodeGen in MoneyWell and some work with fastlane including some issues with multi-factor authentication.
Die Toten Hosen, predecessors of Scotty's new band Dead Laptops | Wikipedia
Making Plans for Nigel, Jenkins CI is the new British Steel | Wikipedia
App automation done right | fastlane
After a break over Thanksgiving, the boys are back with an update on how remote working is developing the work environment and the pro's...
This week, John and Scotty discuss the future of Mac apps as the iPad continues to evolve. Scotty explores how MoneyWell fits into this...
John & Scotty are back at last in their new live show "iDeveloper Live". This episodes guest is Kevin Hoctor from NoThirst Software. They...