Latest Episodes
131: Leaving and Multi-Tasking
In this weeks show Scotty and John mainly discuss some of the processes you should go consider going through before you ever reach for...
130: Leaving and Multi-Tasking
A long show this week as Scotty and John discuss: Last weeks Apple event. John's problems when the simulator looses it's internet connection. BBEdit...
129: Hapy Ada Lovelace Day
Scotty and John wish each other a happy Ada Lovelace day. John talks about the joy of using vector images in Xcode 6. Scotty...
128: The Range Rover vs The Rusty Old Trike
In this show John decides to have another good old bitch about all his problems with iOS 8. Scotty just sits and patiently listens.
127: I’m so over wasting time on iTunes Connect
John solves his iOS 8 problems but has relationship issues with iTunes Connect. We then go on to talk about Brent Simmons going to...
126: The Problem With Eight
In this weeks show we (Scotty & John) discuss the initial problems with iOS 8 for both users and developers. We also ask is...