Latest Episodes
119: We Didn't Record The Good Bit
Scotty and John talk about how good last weeks podcast that was never released was, Scotty's cloud backup problems and the future of ideas.
118: Standing In Line Was Worth It
Scotty and John review WWDC 14 and Altconf and discuss some of the ramifications of the announcements made.
117: Subsidised Free
Scotty and John talk about the problems cloud services have being reliable and the fact that nothing in ever actually free. Also with 1...
116: Playing With APIs
Scotty and John talk about Parse, the Facebook API's, embedding a UICollectionView in a UITableViewCell and the release of the NSConference 6 videos.
115: RTFM or Something
Scotty and John talk about John's solution to his UICollectionView problem, Scotty's discovery of geo support in MongoDB, John's new experiment with Parse and...
114: Fighting With The Controls
Scotty and John talk about the limitations of UICollectionView, NoSQL databases such as MongoDB and Google Analytics for iOS.