Latest Episodes
101: The Touchy Business of Failure and Typing
Scotty and John chat about the failure of EverPix, Touch Typing, Keyboards, Trackpads and Mice
The iDeveloper Podcast 100: Reviews and Predictions
Scotty and John chat about whats happened in 2013 and what they predict for 2014... Oh and maybe once or twice they mention it's...
The iDeveloper Podcast 099: Watching Them Get All Touchy Feely
Scotty and John chat about the iOS 7 redesign of Findery and how the user experience was developed by watching people use the app...
The iDeveloper Podcast 098: MVP or Killing Your Darlings
Scotty and John chat about NSConference, the concept of MVP and having to Kill Your Darlings. Scotty also doesn't know what to do about...
The iDeveloper Podcast 097: Stagnation Or Stability, Does It Even Matter?
Scotty and John chat about software the balance between perceived software stagnation vs taking the time to ensure software stability.
The iDeveloper Podcast 096: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger
Scotty and John chat about CommentCast, Android Development and Auto Layout.