Latest Episodes

iDeveloper Live 012: Good old 'git'
They've cut the waffle, taken control of the chat room and got straight to the point. Well, you have to admire them for at...

iDeveloper Live 011: The Old Man
With data model tips from Kevin Hoctor and a Mac Software Business section with Simon Maddox sharing why he took his app 0870 from...

iDeveloper Live 010: Sound Bite City
In amongst the banter Scotty & John still manage to extract some meaningful content from Jonathan Freeman's experience as an exhibitor at Mac World...

iDeveloper Live 009: Where's John?
With John gone skiing Scotty promotes Mr Michael Fey, this weeks guest, to co-host and Cocoa Fusion returns with a look at the responder...

iDeveloper Live 008: Déjà vu
Scotty and John make a 2nd attempt at recording episode 8 as they talk with David Spector about mixing an indie and consulting lifestyle...

iDeveloper Live 007: Christmas Cheer
In this short Christmas show, Scotty & John consider the high points of 2010 and look forward to 2011.